W2LJ QRP - When you care to send the very least ! : Operating, ces 90 derniers jours

vendredi 31 mai 2024

  • Field Day and the weekend
    I spent a little time (and money) on the Vistaprint site last night, designing an additional and special banner for SPARC's Field Day effort: We will be marking the 10th Anniversary of our founding and 10 years of service to our community. There will be cake! Oh yes, there will be cake! I'm not (...)

jeudi 30 mai 2024

  • Interesting speculation
    This appeared on Facebook regarding the IT situation over at the ARRL: This was reported by Chris NW6V Mike Ritz, W7VO, ARRL 2nd Vice President, was at the WVDXC club meeting last night, having just attended an ARRL board meeting to discuss the outage. Mike reported those meetings are a weekly (...)

mercredi 29 mai 2024

  • It's baaaaack!
    Remember the monster sunspot that caused all the CME's and X-Ray flares a few weekends ago? You know, the mini-Carrington Event? Well, guess who's coming back? AR 3697 was the cause of the ruckus that weekend and is coming around for a second shot at things. And AR 3691 is no small matter, (...)

mardi 28 mai 2024

  • Hootowl Sprint
    I got on the air last night for the Hootowl Sprint. Activity was not the busiest, but that was probably because the CQ WW PX contest was dominating the bands, especially 20 Meters, I called "CQ QRP" there for a while with no joy. I did hear Mark WB9HFK calling CQ with a FB 599 signal and worked (...)

lundi 27 mai 2024

  • Memorial Day Weekend 2024
    This is the American Cemetery at Normandy. This is why we celebrate this weekend in the United States. These men and women, and countless others, gave their very lives to defend our country, our way of life, and ultimately, for you and me. Honor their sacrifice by volunteering, or by doing (...)

vendredi 24 mai 2024

  • CW Bands should be crowded this weekend!
    Contests: CQ WW WPX Contest, CW - One of the biggies! - https://www.cqwpx.com/rules.htm QRP ARCI Hootowl Sprint - http://qrparci.org/contest/hoot-owl-sprint Special Events: 05/19/2024 | National EMS Week May 19-May 25, 0000Z-0000Z, N4E, Gainesville, FL. W.T. Loften High School Amateur Radio (...)

jeudi 23 mai 2024

  • Danged if you do, danged if you don't
    Short post today, but just wanted to mention something I've noticed about Hams through e-mail reflectors' and social media, regarding Logbook of the World. Type 1 are those who hate it. It's "too complicated" or "I can't get it to work" or "It doesn't work well, so I'm not going to bother using (...)

mercredi 22 mai 2024

  • Aggravation!
    I was supposed to run the South Plainfield ARES/RACES Net last night at 7:00 PM local time. We hold it on the third Tuesday of the month. I went down to the basement and turned on my VHF/UHF radio that sits on the bench and ........nothing! By rights, I should have run upstairs for an HT, or (...)

lundi 20 mai 2024

  • That's it! I'm going!
    To Hamvention and FDIM next year! God willing and the creek don't rise and I'm in good health and there are no family emergencies. I mentioned to Marianne that I'd like to go and that attending FDIM is on my bucket list and she had no problems. May is always a busy month for us as both out (...)

vendredi 17 mai 2024

  • Hamvention Weekend
    Even though the big shebang is taking place in Xenia this weekend, there will still be happenings on the bands this weekend: Contests: NZART Sangster Shield Contest - https://www.nzart.org.nz/activities/contests/sangster-shield His Maj. King of Spain Contest, CW - (...)

jeudi 16 mai 2024

  • QRP Labs has done it again!
    The QMX+ 160 - 6 Meter QRP Transceiver. Even ordered pre-assembled, it comes to around a $200 dollar price point. Wow! A QRP CW rig with all bands for around two hundred bucks. Unbelievable! All the technical details can be found here: - https://shop.qrp-labs.com/qmxp Here are some photos: I (...)

mercredi 15 mai 2024

  • Hamvention this weekend!
    Hamvention and more importantly, Four Days in May will be happening this weekend! Oh how I wish that I could attend! I'm in a situation where I do not receive PTO - that is, if I'm not at work, I don't get paid. Maybe, just maybe, next year, if God is willing and I can retire next May, I will (...)

lundi 13 mai 2024

  • Disappointing weekend
    Not only were the bands kaput, but also were the nighttime skies. Only in NJ could the skies be cloudy Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights during the geomagnetic storm of the decade. Saturday night, the clouds were thin enough that they turned pink, so the aurora must have been pretty intense (...)

dimanche 12 mai 2024

  • In Layman's Terms
    You've seen the numbers, you've viewed the graphs, you've read the articles, and have watched all the videos about this weekend's Geomagnetic storm. Count on someone on Facebook to sum it all up nicely: Currently, the K Index is down to 3. We are in recovery ....and we survived! The world did (...)

samedi 11 mai 2024

  • Must have been a slow news day!
    Yesterday, in my "weekend" post, I mentioned the upcoming solar weather conditions for the weekend. No big deal, right? Well, if you went on the internet yesterday you got treated to apocalyptical, end-of-the world-as-we know-it warnings and messages. "Worst geomagnetic storm to hit the Earth (...)

vendredi 10 mai 2024

  • This was always cool!
    From the ARRL: 05/09/2024 The US Department of Defense (DOD) is hosting this year’s Armed Forces Day (AFD) Crossband Test on Saturday, May 11. For more than 50 years, military and amateur stations have taken part in this event, which is an interoperability exercise between amateur and government (...)

jeudi 9 mai 2024

  • Stuph
    I looked at the QMX order list yesterday. I am # 670 in line. If QRP Labs continues to manufacture around 200 pieces a month, I figure I should see mine maybe in August or September. I can live with that. For my birthday, Joseph and Marianne asked me what I wanted. My no name cheapie bargain (...)

mardi 7 mai 2024

  • Field Day Plans Coming Together
    Thanks to the due diligence and the yeoman efforts of Dave KD2FSI, our Field Day location has been secured. We are returning to Spring Lake Park, which is in South Plainfield, but is part of the Middlesex County Park System.This was our Field Day home from 2014 to 2019. Of course in 2020, there (...)

vendredi 3 mai 2024

  • First weekend in May
    It's May already! Where's the time going? Here's to warmer weather, outdoor cookouts, possible POTA activations and all the other stuff associated with warm weather. Contests this weekend: 16 State QSO Parties this weekend! A lot of states are grouped into two area QSO Parties - specifically (...)

jeudi 2 mai 2024

  • 3G0YA in the log
    But not without some drama. I had to turn off HamAlert until I got home from work yesterday. It was going off so frequently that it was driving me nuts! I also got a few stares from people who heard Morse Code originating from my pocket! But in the back of my mind, that gave me hope, as I was (...)

mercredi 1er mai 2024

  • HamAlert - 3G0YA
    I've set up HamAlert to let me know when the Easter Island DXpedition is on the CW portion of the bands. I worked Easter Island probably about 15 or so years ago, but I never got a QSL card or a confirmation via LOTW. Time to set that straight. Several of my friends have worked them already, so (...)

mardi 30 avril 2024

  • Why the need?
    I come across this so many times on the internet; "Stations won't work me because I'm QRP!" Dude ..... why the heck are you even telling them you're running QRP? That is the biggest mistake you can make, especially in a contest. Don't wear a "QRP Badge of Honor". It's not going to get you much, (...)

lundi 29 avril 2024

  • Were the bands cruddy or what?
    Yesterday.. I got the chance to get on in the early afternoon.. I did not hear anyone on any band save for a few Florida QSO Party participants Other than those guys', the bands were just noise. I went to the POTA spotting page and saw my friend Brian KB9BVN listed as doing an activation - (...)

samedi 27 avril 2024

  • Letting you in on a secret! (Shhhhhhhhhhhhh!)
    Wanna be successful in QRP? Wanna be really, really successful in QRP? Wanna be really, really successful in QRP with a minimum of frustration and anxiety? Wanna really, really enjoy QRP and keep coming back for more - just like Lays potato chips? Shhhhhhhhhhh! Don't tell anyone who doesn't (...)

vendredi 26 avril 2024

  • It's Friday! (And some important news at the bottom of the post)
    You know what that means! Contests: SP DX RTTY Contest - http://www.pkrvg.org/strona,spdxrttyen.html Helvetia Contest - https://www.uska.ch/events/uska-helvetia-contest-concours-helvetia-hf/ Florida QSO Party - http://floridaqsoparty.org/rules/ BARTG Sprint 75 - (...)

jeudi 25 avril 2024

  • Bad boys, bad boys .....watcha gonna do?
    Abbot and Costello were a favorite of my childhood, right up there with Laurel and Hardy. I always get a chuckle when I hear Lou Costello tell Bud Abbot, "I've been a baaaaaad boy!". So what did W2LJ do that's so bad? Depends on your point of view. If you're a brother or sister Ham - nothing! (...)

  • How this all started!
    Thanks to Drew W2OU, Rich W2PQ, Bob WB2UDC and Rich W2VU for being part of that with me that day. It was an honor to give that presentation with them that day and who knew it would give birth to a blog that's lasted some 20 years! 72 de Larry W2LJQRP - When you care to send the very (...)

mardi 23 avril 2024

  • RFTB / W8DIZ Memorial Sprints
    Dan Shepard N8IE has announced that the Flying Pigs QRP Club will be holding combined RFTB / W8DIZ Memorial Sprints each month through March 2025 to honor the memory of Diz Gentzow SK. These Sprints will feature participation of the Club call sign W8PIG/# from as many call sign areas as (...)

lundi 22 avril 2024

  • That didn't go as planned
    The weekend, I mean. It started on Thursday with some soreness in my right foot. It elevated Friday and by the time I got home from work, I knew I wasn't going to make it to the library on Saturday with the rest of SPARC. An ugly bout of gout came to visit me. I haven't had an attack in about 7 (...)

vendredi 19 avril 2024

  • Happenings - including QRPTTF and the W8DIZ Memorial RFTB
    For the weekend: Contests: (For those who perpetually ask: "What's all this on the bands? Is there a contest?") QRP To The Field (QRPTTF) : http://www.zianet.com/qrp/qrpttf/pg.html CQMM DX Contest : http://www.cqmmdx.com/rules/ Michigan QSO Party : https://miqp.org/index.php/rules/ Ontario QSO (...)

jeudi 18 avril 2024

  • Happy World Amateur Radio Day!
    A good day to get on the air, if you can! And as I'm sitting here, typing this, HamAlert is letting me know that my good friend, Dave KD2FSI is just doing that! He seems to be busy on 40, 30 and 20 Meters. I didn't realize that our "Amateur Radio Day at the Library" was so close to World (...)

mercredi 17 avril 2024

  • Boo Yah!
    I received two emails from UPS that two packages are due to be delivered tomorrow. The first is the new console for my Ambient weather station. Here's what the current one looks like: And here's what the new one looks like: Not too much of a difference, eh? The important thing is that wifi (...)

mardi 16 avril 2024

  • A quick reminder and another announcement
    QRPTTF, QRP To The Field is this Saturday - another annual effort by Paul NA5N which is very worthy of your time if you are able to participate. Details here: http://www.zianet.com/qrp/qrpttf/pg.html I'm hoping that I can get an end fed up at the library for SPARC's "Amateur Radio Day at the (...)

lundi 15 avril 2024

  • Busy, busy, busy weekend!
    And not all that much radio to show for it - oy! Although I did get on Friday night for a couple hours after dinner to partake of the QRP ARCI Spring QSO Party, which ran from 8:00 PM to Midnight, my local time. There was a decent amount of activity, which was really, really nice to see/hear. I (...)

samedi 13 avril 2024

  • Sad news
    If you've been a regular reader of Jeff KE9V's blog, you'll know that he's wondered a few times as to what's happened to the ARS Spartan Sprint. There have been no updates since January, and that is very strange, indeed. In an e-mail on the QRP-L e-mail reflector Phil K4PQC confirmed that he (...)

vendredi 12 avril 2024

  • April 12th
    If you're a "Space Race Kid" like I am, April 12th holds significant meaning. It was on this day in 1961, that Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin lifted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Vostok 1 to become the first human being to orbit the Earth. Exactly 20 years later, on April 12th, 1981, Astronauts (...)

jeudi 11 avril 2024

  • Good news and bad news
    First the good news ....... there is no bad news! I spent a bit of time in the shack after dinner last night, and I hooked up the Vibroplex to the computer via that adapter from Ham Radio Solutions. The first thing I found out was that, as it has been such a long time since I last used it, the (...)

mercredi 10 avril 2024

  • "Amateur Radio Day at the Library"
    As I have previously mentioned, the South Plainfield Amateur Radio Club will be at the Westergard Library in Piscataway, NJ on Saturday, April 20th from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM presenting Amateur Radio to the public at large. If you're in the area, please stop by! We're going to have an FT8 (...)

mardi 9 avril 2024

  • Odds and ends
    I managed to get outside for just a few minutes yesterday as the moon was approaching maximum coverage of of the sun (90%) at 3:24 PM local time. I took a small shipping box and punched a hole in the side with a thumbtack. It projected a very tiny, but totally sharp image of the moon covering (...)

lundi 8 avril 2024

  • Another resource - QRP Builder
    If you haven't heard about it, Ken WA4MNT has a great website QRPBuilder.com. He offers some neat items in kit form. One that has me especially intrigued is his QX1 antenna, which is an alternative to Elecraft's AX1 and AX2 antennas. I'm going to paste in Ken's description of the antenna: The (...)

  • Cheating? Yay or Nay?
    What say you? I have a very good Ham friend who is in a dilemma. He is a senior Ham, and a few years ago, he moved into his daughter and son-in-law's house after his wife passed away. He's always been active, having great stations and decent antennas when he had his own house. Not wishing to be (...)

samedi 6 avril 2024

  • Looking to increase your code speed?
    The Flying Pigs QRP ARCI holds a two hour Sprint each 3rd Sunday of the month called "Run For The Bacon". They also hold two "contests" or operating events each month designed specifically for those you who would like to send and receive CW at a speed no higher than 13 WPM. Remember - the more (...)

vendredi 5 avril 2024

  • Earthquake!
    Rare second post for the day. Lebanon, NJ, which was the epicenter, is just a mile or two down the road from work. New Jersey has experienced Earthquakes before, but they were mild. When I lived in East Brunswick, I lived on a road what saw a lot of truck traffic, so when we had Earthquakes, I (...)

  • The weekend a cometh!
    My weekly list of what's going on: Contests: Louisiana QSO Party - http://laqp.louisianacontestclub.org/laqso_rules.htm SP DX Contest - https://spdxcontest.pzk.org.pl/2024/rules.php - The land of my ancestors! I'll be trying to work some Polish stations this weekend! Mississippi QSO Party - (...)

jeudi 4 avril 2024

  • The internet - a double edged sword.
    No doubt about it - the internet is a double edged sword. There's a lot of fake news, garbage, hate, bigotry and plain ol' vanilla stupidity to be found on it, and particular that's true for social media. But if you know where to look, there's a ton of golden nuggets to be found as well. For as (...)

mercredi 3 avril 2024

  • Seems I'm always late to the dance!
    I'll see something that is "new" to me - only to see that it has been thoroughly reviewed and talked about by Tom K4SWL, Alan W2AEW and Mike K8MRD. This one has me enthused though, and you have all probably heard about it by now. But if you're like me and you've missed the bus, here's an (...)

mardi 2 avril 2024

  • World Amateur Radio Day - April 18th
    From the ARRL: World Amateur Radio Day is April 18, 2024 World Amateur Radio Day (WARD) is celebrated each year on April 18. The theme for 2024 is, "A Century of Connections: Celebrating 100 Years of Amateur Radio Innovation, Community, and Advocacy." The global event covers all of the (...)

lundi 1er avril 2024

  • New AX1 holder/stand
    I have to be 100% honest, with you, my readers. When I did that activation of K-1635 Washington Rock State Park a few weekends ago, I was less than enthused with Elecraft's bipod holder for the AX1. Maybe I didn't set it up correctly, but it seemed a little bit wobbly and wonky to me. That (...)

dimanche 31 mars 2024

  • Easter Sunday 2024
    He has risen! He has risen, indeed! This is the day the Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad! A happy, joyous, and blessed Easter to all! 72 de Larry W2LJ QRP - When you care to send the very least!

vendredi 29 mars 2024

  • Good Friday 2024
    Mausoleum stained glass - Holy Redeemer Cemetery - South Plainfield, NJ Who would believe what we have heard? To whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed? He grew up like a sapling before Him, like a shoot from the parched earth; He had no majestic bearing to catch our eye, no beauty to draw (...)








