Sur le Web, ces 60 derniers jours

mercredi 17 juillet 2024

  • RadCom August 2024, Vol. 100, No. 8
    Raspberry Pi-based home-built radio test equipment To read this edition, tap or click cover image Regulars Advertisers’ index 85 Airband News, David Smith 45 Antennas, Steve Ireland, VK6VZ/G3ZZD and Kevin Smith, VK6LW/VK6T/G4EHF 18 Contest Calendar, Ian Pawson, G0FCT 67 Contesting, Andy Cook, (...)

  • Updated licence exam manuals released
    We’re pleased to announce that we’ve released updated training manuals for the Foundation, Intermediate and Full licence exams. These books are in addition to the existing manuals and reflect changes to the syllabus due to the new licence conditions. The RSGB will start examining to version 1.6 (...)

  • Such is the way of life
    Nothing is permanent. I discovered, quite by accident, that Drew W2OU, a close friend who became a Silent Key in 2021 has had his call sign re-assigned. I know, firsthand, that this is the way of the FCC, that call signs are not permanent markers and can be re-assigned, but n my heart of (...)

  • Il a réussi à intercepter et reconstruire le gameplay de la Game Boy à partir de son bus mémoire
    Un passionné a réussi l'exploit de reconstruire le gameplay de la Game Boy en analysant les données transitant sur son bus mémoire, ouvrant de nouvelles perspectives pour la préservation de cette console culte.

mardi 16 juillet 2024

  • Central Kansas Armature Radio Club
    The CKARC, a group of dedicated Amateur Radio Operators, located in Salina Kansas has ... - Listed in Ham Radio/Clubs/North America/USA/Kansas

  • Current project
    This is a KM4CFT EFHW UNUN kit that I purchased via eBay. The circuit board is actually done, and I built mine as a EFRW UNUN, so that I can use the same wire for multiple bands. The only difference between the two versions is that the EFHW UNUN builds the toroid as a 49:1 transformer and uses (...)

  • Arx – L’outil d’archivage qui surpasse Tar
    Arx est un outil d'archivage de fichiers et dossiers révolutionnaire. Plus rapide que tar, il offre un accès aléatoire direct aux fichiers archivés. Arx est l'alternative idéale pour un archivage efficace et une récupération instantanée de vos (...)

  • SignalsEverywhere: Decoding the QO-100 Mid-Beacon with WebSDR and IZ8BLY’s Decoder
    In one of her latest videos on YouTube, Sarah from the SignalsEverywhere channel shows how we can use a program called "IZ8BLY Phase 3D (AO-4) Satellite Decoder" to decode the 'Mid-Beacon' on the QO-100 satellite. QO-100 is a commercial geostationary communications satellite that also contains (...)

  • Reading Electric Meters with RTL-SDR and HomeAssistant
    Over on his blog Jeff Sandberg has posted a writeup detailing how he combined RTL-SDR, rtl_amr, and HomeAssistant to decode wireless data from his Itron power meter, and create useful graphs showing his US home's power usage. In the post, Jeff explains how he uses an RTL-SDR Blog V4, (...)

lundi 15 juillet 2024

  • Less than two weeks
    until the Flight of the Bumblebees - make sure to get your number! OVERVIEW & RULE SUMMARY FOR THE ADVENTURE RADIO SOCIETY Flight of the Bumblebees Sunday, July 28, 2024 1700 to 2100 UTC What is the ARS Flight of the Bumblebees and how can I participate? The Adventure Radio Society Flight (...)

  • NDBs Received Worldwide
    Database of 17,000+ NDBs, Ham Beacons, Navtex, DGPS and Utility stations received at over ... - Listed in Operating Modes/Longwave

  • RESOLVED – Internet connectivity issue at RSGB HQ
    The internet connectivity issue at RSGB HQ has now been resolved and our systems are now back in action. Thank you for your patience while the issue was ongoing. 15/07/2024 14:16 We have lost internet connection at RSGB HQ, and so our computer systems and phones are not currently available. Our (...)

  • Vidéo Friedrichshafen par Patrick F2DX
    F2DX vous invite à visiter, en 8 minutes d’affilée et en 4k, le salon radioamateur de Friedrichshafen qui s’est déroulé en Allemagne du 28 au 30 juin 2024. Merci d’avoir partagé vos impressions avec nous [...] Cet article Vidéo Friedrichshafen par Patrick F2DX est apparu en premier sur Radioamateurs (...)

  • Radicle – La collaboration P2P basée sur Git
    Radicle est une plateforme de collaboration P2P open source basée sur Git qui offre une alternative décentralisée aux plateformes centralisées. Elle permet aux utilisateurs de collaborer sur du code de manière souveraine et résiliente, sans dépendre d'une entité (...)

dimanche 14 juillet 2024

  • Grading antennas
    At Lake George last week, I had the opportunity to use four different antennas. My thoughts and impressions of each: My Buddistick magmounted to the car roof was a clear winner. I was able to work a couple of European stations within minutes of each other. Had I brought along my camping chair, (...)

  • DIY 4:1 Current Balun with FT240-31
    This blog post details the construction and usage of a 4:1 current balun, using ... - Listed in Antennas/Baluns/4 to 1 balun

  • Snapify – Enregistrez et partagez votre écran facilement
    Snapify est un outil open source qui permet d'enregistrer et partager facilement son écran. Simple d'utilisation, il offre des fonctionnalités puissantes pour créer des tutoriels et démonstrations.

samedi 13 juillet 2024

  • Electronic Component Distribution
    Electronic Component Distribution has a wide-ranging inventory of electronic items. We are Board Level ... - Listed in Shopping and Services/Electronic Components

  • Charly Tango International DX-Group - Blog
    Blog of Charly Tango International DX-Group in Germany who keeps up the heritage of ... - Listed in CB Radio/Clubs

  • ARISS, soumettez un projet …
    La radio amateur sur la Station spatiale internationale (ARISS) demande aux organismes éducatifs de soumettre des propositions pour établir des contacts radio amateur avec des astronautes sur la Station spatiale internationale. Les propositions peuvent être soumises entre le [...] Cet article (...)

  • Ethibox – Hébergez facilement vos apps open-source favorites
    Ethibox est une solution d'hébergement permettant d'installer en un clic plus de 40 applications open-source populaires comme Nextcloud, WordPress ou Mastodon. Idéal pour créer son cloud personnel sans compétences techniques.

  • Rare second post
    I try to make only one post per day, but since tomorrow is a travel day, I'm going to let my self-imposed rule slide for today. Final POTA activation today: I started the activation on 20 Meters with the Buddistick mag-mounted to the roof of the Jeep. I haven't used it in a long time, so I just (...)

vendredi 12 juillet 2024

  • Northland Antique Radio Club
    The Northland Antique Radio Club is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We were founded in ... - Listed in Antique Radios/Clubs

  • Last day
    Another year, another vacation coming to an end. This morning we left a deposit on our cabin for the same time next year. Unfortunately, that's 52 weeks away. Lord willing, we'll make it back up here. Who knows, maybe this time next year I'll actually be retired and won't quite dread returning (...)

  • You could be the next RSGB Company Secretary
    The RSGB is looking to recruit an RSGB Member to be the Society’s Company Secretary. This volunteer position plays a key role in the Society’s governance and provides vital support in running Board meetings and the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Stephen Purser, GW4SHF took on the role temporarily (...)

  • Planning Advisory Committee needs volunteers
    The RSGB Planning Advisory Committee needs additional volunteers to join its advisory panel. Volunteers deal with queries from members about problems they face in getting planning permission for masts and aerials. These enquiries can be for support in making an application to the local council, (...)

  • Video summary of Ofcom licence changes
    The RSGB has released a video summary of the Ofcom licence changes that came into effect in February this year. This is an extended version of the video shown at the Society’s AGM. It covers the range of changes from power increases and call signs, to additional options for Foundation licensees (...)

  • LoTW a repris du service
    Log Book of The World (LoTW) a repris du service après une longue interruption. L’ARRL demande aux utilisateurs de s’abstenir de télécharger de grandes quantités de QSO pendant quelques semaines afin de minimiser le retard potentiel des téléchargements. [...] Cet article LoTW a repris du service est (...)

  • IARU HF Championship - OP0HQ
    Le week-end prochain, les membres de l'UBA, de différentes sections, travailleront à nouveau ensemble pour activer OP0HQ comme station HQ dans le IARU HF Championship Contest.

  • Ruff – Le linter Python intelligent et rapide
    Ruff est un linter Python ultra-rapide qui améliore significativement la qualité et la maintenabilité du code. Avec sa vitesse d'exécution fulgurante et ses fonctionnalités avancées, Ruff révolutionne le développement Python.

  • Transmitting and Receiving Meshtastic with SDR
    Last month we posted about Aaron's video on Meshtastic, and how it's possible to decode the Meshtastic protocol using an RTL-SDR and GNU Radio project called Meshtastic_SDR. If you weren't aware, Meshtastic is software that enables off-grid mesh network based communications and can run on cheap (...)

jeudi 11 juillet 2024

  • HB9CV On-Line Antenna Calculator
    The HB9CV antenna calculator aids amateur radio enthusiasts in designing antennas for VHF and ... - Listed in Antennas/HB9CV

  • F4UEB Gérard (dept 66) SK
    Je viens d’apprendre aujourd’hui la disparition de Gérard Jouannetaud F4UEB A l’origine de l’ Association Radioamateur des Pyrénées Catalanes (JO du 31 juillet 2017). Il était aussi agent territorial sur la commune de Font Romeu. [...] Cet article F4UEB Gérard (dept 66) SK est apparu en premier sur (...)

  • Vidéo RS170 par Fred F5OZK
    Vous trouverez un autre compte rendu en vidéo de la chasse à la Radiosonde météo Nîmoise de nuit d’hier, sur le vol de 00z, en cliquant ici –> 73 Fred(at) Cet article Vidéo RS170 par Fred F5OZK est apparu en premier sur Radioamateurs (...)

  • RSGB video summary of Ofcom licence changes
    The RSGB has released a video summary of the Ofcom licence changes that came into effect in February this year. This is an extended version of the video shown at the Society’s AGM. It covers the range of changes from power increases and call signs, to additional options for Foundation licensees (...)

  • You could be the next RSGB Company Secretary
    The RSGB is looking to recruit an RSGB Member to be the Society’s Company Secretary. This volunteer position plays a key role in the Society’s governance and provides vital support in running Board meetings and the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Stephen Purser, GW4SHF took on the role temporarily (...)

  • RSGB Planning Advisory Committee needs volunteers
    The RSGB Planning Advisory Committee needs additional volunteers to join its advisory panel. Volunteers deal with queries from members about problems they face in getting planning permission for masts and aerials. These enquiries can be for support in making an application to the local council, (...)

  • Gitroom – Pour planifier et booster vos lancements open source
    Gitroom est une plateforme innovante pour planifier et booster vos lancements open source. Programmez vos publications sur les réseaux sociaux et vos articles, collaborez avec votre équipe et la communauté, et maximisez votre visibilité sur (...)

mercredi 10 juillet 2024

  • The PAPA System
    The PAPA System is a member-supported amateur radio network in Southern California with inter-linked ... - Listed in Ham Radio/Clubs/North America/USA/California

  • Un satellite intéressant MESAT1
    Un satellite intéressant pour la communauté radioamateur est MESAT1. Construit par l’Université du Maine, en coopération avec AMSAT, ce satellite transporte un transpondeur V/U de 30 kHz de large et une liaison descendante de télémétrie [...] Cet article Un satellite intéressant MESAT1 est apparu en (...)

  • Ten more
    Another 10 stations in the log. I have to be upfront about this. This isn't a POTA vacation like some of the real die-hards do. This is a time to be away with family and just to enjoy each other and our down time together. Nonetheless, they do respect my love for Amateur Radio and afford me (...)

  • Hoarder – Tout sauvegarder mais surtout, tout retrouver…
    Hoarder est une application open source et auto-hébergeable qui permet de tout sauvegarder : liens, notes, images. Grâce à sa recherche puissante et son étiquetage automatique par IA, vous pouvez facilement organiser et retrouver vos (...)

  • A Great Video Introduction to RTL-SDR
    Over on YouTube Paul Lutus has recently posted a video that is a great introduction to software-defined radio, RTL-SDR, and some of the various signals that can be received with one. In the video he uses an RTL-SDR Blog V4, which has a built-in upconverter, allowing for good reception of HF (...)

  • SignalsEverywhere: Monitoring Itron ERT Smart Meters on Android
    Over on her YouTube channel SignalsEverywhere, Sarah has uploaded her latest video showing how it is possible to monitor Itron ERT smart meters on an Android device. Smart meters are used to wirelessly monitor the usage of residential utilities such as water, gas, and electricity. With an (...)

mardi 9 juillet 2024

  • Shortened 40m Rotary Dipole Antenna
    A rotatable 40-meter dipole antenna designed and constructed to fit within backyard constraints. The ... - Listed in Antennas/40M/40 meter Dipole Antennas

  • MacGyver I am not
    Yesterday was somewhat of a good radio day up here at the Lake, all be it with a scare thrown in for good measure. From public property, I made my 10 QSOs for a successful activation of US-2001, Adirondack State Park. I was operating from a picnic table and started out using the AX1. I worked (...)

  • Vidéo RS169 par Fred F5OZK
    Vous trouverez le dernier compte rendu en vidéo de la chasse à la Radiosonde météo Nîmoise de nuit, de dimanche dernier, sur le vol de 00z, en cliquant ici –> 73 Fred F5OZK(at) Cet article Vidéo RS169 par Fred F5OZK est apparu en premier sur (...)

  • WhatTheDuck – Exécutez des requêtes SQL sur vos fichiers CSV depuis votre navigateur
    WhatTheDuck est un outil en ligne permettant d'exécuter des requêtes SQL directement sur des fichiers CSV, le tout depuis votre navigateur web. Uploadez vos CSV, écrivez vos requêtes dans l'éditeur et analysez vos données facilement.

lundi 8 juillet 2024

  • Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2427
    Build Your Own Multiband Antenna (EFHW), HF antenna for hams with limited space, Hacking the Butternut HF2V, Greencube Terminal program, IFR Chart Symbols, ALFA ALFA WorldWide Radio DX Goup, Aurora Forecast - A Short-Term Forecast and Its Impact, SWL contest 2024, N2RWE's Real-time APRS, CWOP, (...)

  • Aging Trends in Ham Radio Contesting: A Demographic Review
    The ham radio population is aging, primarily consisting of Baby Boomers and older generations. ... - Listed in Ham Radio/Demographics








